Practice to become a professional musician – Never stop improving your abilities as a musician. Before you say, “That’s obvious. Tell me something I don’t know”, there are several things you need to keep in mind.
Do you know how to give a great audition? Whether it is for a label, American Idol, or a musical, you have to give someone an amazing experience – plain and simple.
Like the seed that has to push through the shell and then through the dirt to find the sun, success doesn’t happen from a leisurely walk on the beach. It’s an acquired habit of pressing up against what makes usun-COMFORT-able, and sometimes pushing through our fear can knock us completely horizontal.
How did the songwriter know to play that note next, or that scale over that chord? Maybe they didn’t. I’ll explain…
What I’ve learned recording my third album. How to relate with musicians, know your limits, and never stop learning. Victor Pender
Cari Cole is a vocal coach and artist development expert who has worked with some of the biggest names in the entertainment business.