Want to know if you’re cut out for a full-time music career? Would you like to know at what level you’re best suited to play? Well, hang tight because that’s exactly what you’re about to have the opportunity to explore.
Indie Music
Head Above Music would like to wish everyone a very Happy New Year. A special…
As you sit by the stack of holiday greeting cards waiting to be filled out and mailed, have you ever thought about including your music in them? This is a great way of advertising your music as well as making a great gift for those who have supported you throughout the year.
Working as a full time musician in Chicago, Patrick Gemkow is used to the crowded bars, expensive drinks, and unappreciative audiences. Frustrated with the routine, he decided to reach out to some of his favorite local acts: Shelley Miller, Brain Walker, and Derek Nelson,
Booking Your First Tour By Versailles Click to Listen As far as booking is concerned…
Here is a step by step instruction to strengthen your music community
and make a little extra money to put toward your next album while promoting your friends.