It’s never one thing that makes a career in the music business. Everyone has a different balance of skills used in making music their full time job. I grew up on KISS, Prince, Queen, my dad’s Motown records and my mom’s classical piano lessons.
I am an independent musician who has proudly played over 600 shows in 60 cities. I have done countless radio and tv interviews and built my own indie label, publishing and licensing company brick by brick. I have placed over 100 songs in films and television programs including The Matrix: Revisited and Animatrix, Dodge, Jeep, Chrysler, DVD’s of Nip/Tuck, The Closer, Ice Age 2, We Are Marshall
Want to know if you’re cut out for a full-time music career? Would you like to know at what level you’re best suited to play? Well, hang tight because that’s exactly what you’re about to have the opportunity to explore.
Lists, lists, lists . . . and daily habits ” Being great at what you do is about taking action, doing your work and “creating” your career, not waiting for someone else to make things happen or just reacting to what comes towards you”.
“Let The Music Be Your Guide” By the gang at Errorcraft Records So you’re wandering…
No Such Thing as a Face For Radio by Jefferson Montoya There was a time…