Head Above Music would like to wish everyone a very Happy New Year. A special…
music lessons
Lists, lists, lists . . . and daily habits ” Being great at what you do is about taking action, doing your work and “creating” your career, not waiting for someone else to make things happen or just reacting to what comes towards you”.
Before I enrolled in theory and musicianship classes, I thought I was a talented singer. I really truly thought I had what it took to make it as it stood as a talented youngster. Taking classes with musicianship and harmony opened my eyes to what it means to be a real “Musician”.
Take lessons. Don’t just take a lesson 1 time, that would be like going to high school for 1 day. (Which I think I only did half of that)
I get it, lessons can be expensive. Can’t afford to pay for them? Then barter for it. Trade a service for a service.
Do whatever you need to do, just take lessons.
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