Once you announce to the world that you are ‘open for business’, like it or not you invite scrutiny by fans, the press, entertainment buyers, other artists and everyone else. The following tips will insure that you develop a strong and positive reputation.
How to be Successful as an Independent Musician By Nick Venturella Decide what your definition…
Pitch is one of the fundamental, foundational core elements in singing – so much so that it is one of the most important – perhaps the most important – quality of a great voice.
Today’s article is a real life story of how you can get off track without realizing it – and some techniques to help you free up that stuck energy and get your creativity flowing again.
Eat lightly the day before and the day of. No heavy foods like red meat or rich sauces. Eating light will improve your energy. Chicken, fish and tofu/beans are the best sources of protein that are easy to digest. Fresh juices (no orange juice) are great sources of energy.