keep your expenses very low. keep working on your art. don’t be afraid to do other things to make money in the short term. avoid the performance mentality. the main business strategy is to build your own audience.
These are all metaphors I’ve used to describe what inevitably happens during any large scale creative undertaking–the making a record, for instance. It’s that barren, dusty, treacherous middle expanse filled with nagging depression and gnawing self-doubt that the Muse or God or Whomever places in our path to test our faith.
It’s a lot of hard work, but life doesn’t quite have to be that way. You can have a productive, healthy life and still have time and money to develop your art. I’ve found it very important to work out a good balance through every aspect of your life and art.
Motivation for quitting smoking, smoking cessation and to help you quit and stop. Singers and Smoking and the harmful effects. Musicians quit smoking.
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My friend and mentor John Shipe once told me that success in the music industry is about being the last one standing. I’m not talking about ‘fame and riches’ success; you have better odds winning the lottery than becoming the next John Mayer. I’m talking about the ‘pay your rent’ success. The ‘I don’t have a day job’ success. After years of working towards this goal I have finally achieved it.