keep your expenses very low. keep working on your art. don’t be afraid to do other things to make money in the short term. avoid the performance mentality. the main business strategy is to build your own audience.
These are all metaphors I’ve used to describe what inevitably happens during any large scale creative undertaking–the making a record, for instance. It’s that barren, dusty, treacherous middle expanse filled with nagging depression and gnawing self-doubt that the Muse or God or Whomever places in our path to test our faith.
Brandon McHose talks about things to pay attention to while recording an album. Studio musicians, professional musicians, working musicians, song structure.
Derek Sivers, CEO of said, in so many words, the first thing someone will do after they hear your music or band name is forget who you are. This was both obvious and subtle to me. So many artists today are so worried about “selling out” that they don’t put themselves out there.
How to be Successful as an Independent Musician By Nick Venturella Decide what your definition…
The Green-Eyed Monster: Are You Friends Really Happy For Your Success? By Sheena Metal Ideally,…